Service Request Form

Thank you for reporting a possible service issue within Grass Valley RV Resort. Please call 530-404-5001 for emergencies or visit the lodge. If you have a non-emergency service request, please fill out this form. Your comfort is our highest priority. All fields are optional.

If you are reporting a restroom or shower that needs service, please indicate the number that appears on the door:
Does your site require service?For non-emergency service, please select your site number and add a mobile number to reach you:
If you would like to submit your name, please do so below (optional).

Grass Valley RV Resort
1462 Auburn Rd
Grass Valley, California 95949

BEST Driving Directions from Sacramento

1. I-80 East (towards Lake Tahoe / Reno)
2. Take Hwy 49 exit towards Grass Valley
3. DO NOT take Auburn Rd exit! That road is more challenging & narrow for RVs. Continue to CA – 20 in Grass Valley.
4. Take CA-20 west towards Marysville, over the freeway, immediately exit to the right on Mill St exit.
5. Go right at the stop sign onto Mill St., under CA-20, then veer right, onto McCourtney Rd.
6. In approx. 1/4 mile, turn left onto Auburn Rd.
7. Take the first right, slow down lane into the resort!

Please do not exceed 5MPH in GVRV resort on/in any vehicle. Thank you & welcome to GVRVResort!






(530) 404-5001

Emergency Numbers

For ALL life threatening emergencies or fire immediately call 911.
Grass Valley Police Department: (530) 477-4600.
Grass Valley Fire Dept (530) 274-4370.

Contact us via email